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£1m of grant funding for ‘createch’ projects in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly

A new £1m grant scheme opened earlier this week for businesses seeking to invest in creative technology, or createch projects: Culture and Creative Industries Innovation Fund

Overview of the Culture and Creative Industries Innovation Fund

Potential applicants Business and organisations across a range of market sectors and industries. These include (but are not limited to) creative industries, video game development, screen sector, healthcare, education, future mobility, manufacturing, retail, tourism, leisure and sport.
Base of project activity All proposed project activity must take place within, and/or benefit residents and businesses in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
Projects, examples Projects could be about developing and applying creative technologies, such as augmented and mixed reality, motion capture or game engine and 3D environments, through to cluster development including knowledge transfer, supply chain development and attracting talent and investment.
Grant size ·         Minimum Funding: £100,000

·         Maximum funding: £250,000

Grant intervention rate 50% to 75%
Project delivery dates Projects must be delivered between April 2024 and March 2026
Closing date for applications 28 January 2024

More details

More details of the scheme are set out in Application From Guidance.  These details include information on the appraisal process, deliverables and cross cutting themes to be addressed in an application.

Preliminary discussions

If you would like to discuss a project idea prior to applying, the guidance suggests you contact [email protected]

PKF Francis Clark

I anticipate that this could be an attractive fund to a number of businesses in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly.

If anyone wishes to discuss how we may support you in a potential application and/ or in seeking the match funding please do not hesitate to contact me or your usual point of contact at PKF Francis Clark.

FEATURING: Richard Wadman
Richard qualified as a Chartered Accountant with KPMG in 1993. Since 2006 he has worked in Corporate Finance, firstly with the predecessor firm in Truro… read more
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