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Managing in a downturn

Knowledge is power when managing in a downturn. That’s why we’ve brought together experts from across PKF Francis Clark to share valuable insights to help your business survive and thrive.

illustration of a graph with an upwards trend line and a lightbulb

Managing in a downturn: Advisory videos

Support for struggling businesses

Go for growth

Latest videos

Support for struggling businesses

Go for growth

Andrew Richards

“Welcome to our hub of expert advice and market commentary, we’ve put it together to help our clients and communities navigate uncertain economic times. Our sense of shared ambition has always been a touchstone for the firm, it’s driven us since Francis Clark, Frank to his friends, founded this firm 100 years ago. His dedication to client service and spirit of involvement in our communities lives on in the firm today. We’re ready and able to help you with managing in the downturn and the challenges ahead.”

Andrew Richards, Managing Partner

Managing in a downturn: Our events

5 October 2023

Speakers from the FRC, W H Ireland and PKF Francis Clark will be presenting a topical update for AIM listed businesses and those considering listing. This webinar will be of interest to CFOs and senior finance team members.


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