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Grants for businesses based in the Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol, or South Gloucestershire

By Will Sargent, Manager, Bristol office – [email protected]

On my periodic trawl through West of England Growth Hub website I came across two grants that I thought may be of interest to SMEs in the Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol, or South Gloucestershire local authority area:

An overview of each is set out below with more details at links above.

Green Business Grants

Grants for Purchase and/or install materials, products and equipment that will result in a measurable reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in your business
Applicants Must be Legal entity and a SME

A number of businesses are ineligible – see page 4 of Guidance for Applicants

Other requirements Have had an independent energy or carbon assessment done that recommends the project you are applying for
Grants £500 to £15,000 with intervention rates of 30%, 40% or 60% depending on project type / payback period (see page 6 of Guidance for Applicants)
Assistance Email at [email protected]

call the Low Carbon Business Support team on 0117 332 1520

Open and close Grant is available first come, first served. A total of £2million will be made available up to March 2025

Business Growth and Adaptation Grants

Two funding streams: Fund 1 and Fund 2.

Applications for Grants can be used for products or equipment to help the business achieve one of the following:

  • increase or improve production
  • start production, including bringing production ‘in-house’
  • adapt to regulatory change related to production practices, enacted in the last three years
Grant size Fund 1: £6,000 to £10,000

Fund 2: £10,001 to £30,000

Intervention rate 80% max
Business type
  • Fund 1 – Be a sole trader, limited company, limited liability partnership, or a co operative and traded for at least 1 year
  • Fund 2 – Have traded as a limited company, limited liability partnership, or a co operative for at least 3 years
  • Either fund: SME
Ineligible expenditure Quite a long list of ‘what the grant can’t be used for’ on pages 4 and 5 of Application Guidance
Open and Close date The next round of funding will be open from Thursday 21st September until Thursday 5th October at 5pm
Support West of England Growth Hub state that  support available through their Universal Business Support programme. Please contact [email protected] to speak to our grant team about accessing this. Or telephone  0117 456 6955

PKF Francis Clark

Whilst we endeavour to keep informed of grants for SMEs, we would suggest all SMEs based in West of England region (that is Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol, or South Gloucestershire local authority area) sign up to the West of England Growth Hub newsletter here:

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