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Employer Solutions

Your people are your greatest asset.
Group of business people and software developers working as a team in office

How we can help you

Our Employer Solutions team provides expert advice on issues facing you as an employer today.

As a business your people are your greatest asset and may also be your biggest challenge. Making sure that they are motivated, productive and engaged alongside the demands of complying with new legislation, managing tax compliance and reporting and operating and growing your business can seem daunting.

To make sure your people perform exceptionally and contribute significantly to your success, it’s vital they feel incentivised and engaged. To grow and succeed, it’s also essential you attract and retain the top talent, whilst managing risk and driving growth.

Share schemes are a commonly used form of reward which can help incentivise and engage employees. Share schemes give employees the right to acquire shares in your company, often helping create a sense of belonging and provide staff with an opportunity to participate in the profits and/or future sale proceeds of the company.

Our specialists can help you design and implement a commercially robust and tax efficient share scheme. Find out more here.

Your business and employees are unique to you and our specialists will work with you to support you in achieving your business goals. Our specialist Employer Solutions team will focus on your business needs and challenges and provide practical, pragmatic and realistic solutions for you and your employees.

Our team will support you with all your employment tax issues and reward packages, as well as helping you reduce your costs and manage risk. They can design and implement a share incentive scheme or help to support your internationally mobile employees. They also deal with every aspect of reward packages and employment tax issues.

Compliance Solutions

Employment tax - PAYE tax and national insurance compliance, including national minimum wage

HMRC is more focused than ever on employer compliance. They commonly impose financial settlements for several years to collect tax, national insurance, interest and penalties on any errors that they discover.

Our PAYE healthcheck will give you comfort that your PAYE benefits and expenses systems and procedures would stand up to scrutiny by HMRC. The areas covered can include:

  • A review of payroll procedures, including statutory payments and national minimum wage
  • A review of benefits-in-kind and P11D procedures
  • To ensure those engaged on a self-employed basis will be accepted as such under IR35 rules due to be rolled out to the private sector in April 2021
  • Checking that all expenses will meet HMRC’s business expense exemption
  • Reviewing compliance with national insurance regulations
  • Compliance with the construction industry scheme

PAYE Healthcheck

Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)

The Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) can be complex and confusing for contractors and sub-contractors alike, whether you are starting out and new to CIS or you have been in the construction sector for a number of years. The expectation of compliance from HMRC is very high. Penalties for failures by both contractors and sub-contractors are harsh and difficult to mitigate, so we can help you get things right.

Our Employer Solutions Team can support you by:

  • Setting up or reviewing your procedures
  • Assisting you with the upkeep of your CIS business requirements
  • Helping you to navigate the legislation – what is inside and what is outside the scope of CIS
  • Dealing with HMRC challenge
  • Undertaking a CIS healthcheck

CIS Tax Advice

Employment Status (IR35)

From April 2021 the way in which businesses engage with individuals who provide their services through a personal services company changed. For medium and large businesses, it is now the responsibility of the end user (the business) to ensure the employment status of your off-payroll workers is correctly assessed. So you need to understand your obligations make sure you comply.

Off payroll working & IR35

Global mobility

Increasingly businesses will have employees working abroad either permanently or temporarily or have non-UK resident directors. If this is the case for your business, then you will need to consider the tax and social security position for you as an employer and for your employees.

Global mobility

Employee Benefits & Rewards

Employee Benefits - tax implications

The right employee benefits scheme creates value for employees and employers alike. We know that there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. Companies have different needs and a scheme should reflect the workforce, be adaptable and relevant to achieve maximum impact and return on investment.

It is also really important to ensure that they are structured in the most tax efficient way to make sure businesses get maximum return on investment in their employees, and this is where we can help.

Employee Benefits

Salary Sacrifice – Tax and NI savings for employees and employers

Share Schemes

Increasing share ownership is proven to help retain and motivate staff and there can also be some potentially substantial tax savings available – although there are a number of challenges and ways to structure share participation.

Share Schemes

Outsourced Payroll Solutions

We manage the payrolls of over 1,090 clients nationwide, in businesses of all sizes. The team of qualified, experienced payroll professionals provides an efficient and comprehensive service, delivered with a personal touch that makes us part of your team.

Our service is cost-effective and releases you from the time-consuming administration and compliance headaches.

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