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Charity webinar

Over the last couple of years we have all been on a journey into the unknown and now we feel like we might have arrived, but where? The new normal presents numerous opportunities and challenges to the sector but don’t panic, you are not alone!

Our webinar was designed to help charities of all shapes and sizes navigate a successful course into the future. We covered preventing cyber-crime and fraud and provided updates from the worlds of accounting and VAT.

If you missed it, check out the recording!

FEATURING: Mark Bishop
Mark joined us as a VAT consultant in 2016 from HMRC where he was a Higher VAT Compliance Officer with 12 years’ experience, providing expert… read more
FEATURING: Duncan Leslie
Duncan is an audit partner based in our Plymouth and Truro offices and is focused mainly on larger businesses. He previously spent 20 years at… read more
FEATURING: Darren Perry
Darren Perry ACA DChA is a director of the firm, based in the corporate department of our Truro Office. He has specialist expertise in the… read more
FEATURING: Louise Bridgett
Louise is a director working in our Plymouth office not-for-profit team. She qualified with PKF Francis Clark in 2000 and re-joined us in 2012, after five… read more
FEATURING: Phil Osgathorpe
Phil leads our IT assurance and cyber services teams and is a passionate leader at Francis Clark. He supports and leads the delivery of assurance and advisory… read more
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