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Options for Businesses

Assisting with a number of procedures available to Limited Companies and their Directors.

group of business people sitting around a table

There are a number of procedures available to Limited Companies and their Directors. The appropriate procedure will depend upon the specific circumstances of the Company.

Limited Companies

We can advise on the alternative options and the consequences of each, trying to avoid a formal insolvency procedure where possible.

When formal insolvency is inevitable we can guide you through the process to ensure matters are dealt with properly, minimising the risks to Directors.

Pre Pack Administration
Company Voluntary Arrangement CVA
Directors risks and responsibilities


Like Corporate Insolvency, there are a number of options available to Partnership Business Structures whether it is a Limited Liability Partnership or Traditional Partnership Arrangement.

Partnership Voluntary Arrangement PVA

Sole Traders

There are a number of options available to individuals and sole traders who are struggling to cope with their debts.

In some circumstances bankruptcy can’t and shouldn’t be avoided, but there are other options which should be explored beforehand.

We can advise on the alternative procedures as well as explain the consequences of bankruptcy where applicable.

Informal Arrangements
Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA)
Debt Relief Orders

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